Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Vivid Birthday -- My Fifth

My fifth birthday remains vivid because a native American of the Lakota Sioux Nation, Chief Rising Sun, entertained at my party. I will be celebrating my 85th birthday (inshallah) with my former law office partner (Eugene Oregon 1980-1981) and her husband with whom I remain a close friend. She shares with me the same birthday, day and year.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

People place and sayings that I remember

biographical topics to write about:

Trinity days

Hamilton College (The non-postulationally designated, non-theoretically formulated immediately apprehended aesthetic continuum)

Peace Corps

Legal Services Program

post-Legal Services legal practice -- death penalty and political asylum




Mrs. Holleran

Mrs. Bartum



Ballantine -- stocks 





Russell Blackwood

Raphael what a filip -- This was an expression of approval uttered by my teacher 

Photo below taken between 1904 and 1910 shows my father holding one of his children. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

My Friend Togwell Jackson

My Friend Togwell Jackson and his wife Chung-Ja::

Togwell and I met while we were students at Trinity School in New York City when we age 14 (ninth grade). I remember lunches at his home on Riverside Drive -- often a hearty soup prepared by his mother. My final conversation with Togwell took place on Wednesday July 3rd 2024, a day before he died and 70 years after our first meeting. He was a good friend. In recent years we had many long conversations, often concerning U.S. politics, particularly matters surrounding Donald Trump whom we both loathe. Togwell's sense of humor would always brighten my day, no matter how gloomy my mood might be; I am thinking of his dry wit now as I write this. He recently expressed a desire to continue creating cartoons.

Sunday, January 2, 2022


In January, 1981, shortly after the law firm where I worked dissolved, as I was riding a bike through the streets of Eugene, Oregon, I stopped short to avoid hitting the back of a car. I felt something "go" in my back, but it didn't hurt then. A few hours later, I was in agony on the floor in my home. Shuffling and doubled over, I managed to get to the office of a sports medicine physician. He did nothing but examine me. He gave me neither medicine nor any physical adjustment - just told me to take it easy. This made me very anxious, since he didn't seem to think anything of my predicament.

At that time, I thought it was an isolated episode that would go away and not re- turn, for I had not experienced back pain for 20 years. My back was "out" and would re- turn to normal. The pain diminished, but persisted. So, I went to an osteopath, who gave me the physical adjustment I wanted and also a muscle relaxant. Now, I felt "treated." I relaxed, and after a few days of slow going, I was normal. I put the incident behind me.

But not for long. Several months after I returned to New York and my old job, I awoke one morning unable to get up. The pain was quite fierce. I at once identified the cause: raking leaves in the yard. This time I went to a chiropractor, who adjusted my back and took x-rays. The results were alarming and depressing. He told me I had de- generative disc disease and that the condition was chronic and incurable. But there was hope for a fairly normal life if I followed instructions and took care.

Over the ensuing six years, I went to a chiropractor every time my back "went out," that is, several times a year. Each bout lasted from three to twelve weeks. I could not do many things that I enjoy doing. Physical exercise was dangerous. Running was out of the question. Hiking was problematic; I worried I'd have to be rescued on some ridge in the White Mountains, as once I almost did.

Carrying, lifting, driving, even sitting in a theater became increasingly difficult, painful and fearsome. Doing research in a library was extremely uncomfortable - espe- cially standing in the stacks. Going to meetings anywhere that I did not have the right kind of chair presented significant problems. Every day I had to spend from a half hour to two hours lying on a pad on my office floor. I missed work several weeks a year and almost routinely had to leave early or arrive late. My life was carefully arranged to pro- tect my fragile back. Nevertheless, the pain became continual and worse around 1986. The doctors told me that I could expect a gradual worsening of the condition. I felt pretty bad since I was only 46. I wondered about what my condition would be at age 52 or 55.

During one particularly awful episode, I consulted an orthopedic surgeon, who paced, looked very grave and told me I would be in deep trouble without surgery. In des- peration, I consulted a neurologist, who assured me I could control the problem with cer- tain exercises and swimming. I followed his suggestions and swam 5 or 6 times a week, though I dislike swimming for exercise. But the episodes continued, fierce and lengthy.

One day in late '86, coming out of the courthouse in White Plains, someone asked me how I was doing. I didn't lie. She suggested I see the physician that she said had cured her husband of back pain, John Sarno. Dr. Sarno was a professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at the New York University School of Medicine. He practiced at the Rusk Insti- tute of Rehabilitation Medicine.

Dr. Sarno's theory is that except for rare cases, back pain is caused not by struc- tural defects in the back (which, of course, do appear in various scans). Rather, pain em- anates from the back, shoulders, neck or legs, etc., as a result of mild deprivation of oxy- gen in the affected area of the body. This condition is produced deliberately by the brain for the purpose of distracting one from repressed emotionality, including repressed anger. The name that Dr. Sarno has given to this condition is tension myositis syndrome (TMS). Thus, the tension that causes back pain is not tension of which one is readily aware. In order to sustain the deception, the brain associates back pain with various triggers, such as raking leaves or twisting - almost anything will do. TMS is a stratagem of the brain to protect itself from what the brain considers a threat of an overwhelming nature.

Curing back pain results when one rids oneself of the self-deception involved. Once one understands that the pain is harmless, because it arises from a stratagem of the brain, the syndrome loses its efficacy. What a pleasure it was to lose the fear of deteriora- tion and pain and to realize that I could safely resume all activities. I have done so and I have had no debilitating back pain since 1988, when I attended Dr. Sarno's program.

Dr. Sarno first conducts a physical examination and takes one’s history. If he makes a diagnosis that the pain is a result of TMS, the patient is asked to return to the N.Y.U. Medical Center to attend a class in which Sarno teaches how and why the pain is produced. It is the knowledge of how TMS works that dissipates the deception and hence the pain, which no longer can serve any function. I was examined by Dr. Sarno in Jan- uary, 1988. In February, I attended his lectures with about 50 other patients. Subsequent- ly, I attended several of his Tuesday afternoon seminars and within a couple months I no longer had back pain.

In 1988, when I was a patient and student of Dr. Sarno, he avoided the term “psy- chosomatic,” because, he said, that word was loaded with inaccurate meaning. He fo- cused on back pain exclusively and preferred simply to use “tension myositis syndrome,”or “TMS.” If I recall correctly, his treatment lectures and his 1991 book (Healing Back Pain) only tangentially speculated that TMS may be part of larger medical phenomenon. But with publication of The Divided Mind, in 2006, Dr. Sarno has produced a landmark work encompassing the field of psychosomatic medicine.

I think that Dr. Sarno’s work is profound. I urge you to read The Divided Mind, The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders, Harper Books, 2006. Dr. John Sarno was a practic- ing physician at N.Y.U Medical Center’s Rusk Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine. He was also a professor of Rehabilitation Medicine. He died in 2017.

By: John Hand —

Friday, February 19, 2021

I read an excellent book on race in America entitled Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson. It got me thinking about my experiences of racial incidents. Here are a few of them.

Perhaps not today but when I attended college in the late 1950s, for many students fraternities and sororities were essential to the college experience and often a material element forwarding one’s career. They were not just places where we ate and slept — they were integral to the social life of the college or university. They provided their members with valuable contacts not only during college years but thereafter. They contributed significantly to the success of many of their members in getting good jobs and starting businesses in the years after college. They were also part of the caste system. I pledged Lambda Chi Alpha (LXA) at Hamilton College. There were a few black students in the class of 1961, I did not know any of them. One day in 1958, Timothy Scholl, LXA chapter president called a meeting to discuss a provision of the charter of the national fraternity: the policy barring black people from membership. I had not given any thought to race at Hamilton; the subject simply did not come up. We were unanimous in agreeing with Tim Scholl that we should not be bound by such a rule. We voted to extend membership regardless of race or color. The national fraternity revoked our participation in LXA and we became a local fraternity named Gryphon Society.  

During my college years I had two other incidents that involved matters of race. 

The late 50s saw civil rights activists marching and picketing against racist practices. In 1958 or early 1959, after we became a local fraternity, Tim Scholl again called us together, this time to go into nearby Utica and picket the F.W. Woolworth store because of its segregated lunch counters in the South. There was no reaction by the store manager or by the passersby as far as I remember.

The other incident occurred in 1965 on my way home by bus from a Peace Corps training assignment in New Orleans. I had to change buses in Jackson, Mississippi but there was something like nine or ten hours to wait for the connection. I checked into a hotel. When I got to my room I looked at the paper that came with my key and was surprised to see that I was a “member” of the hotel. I guess this was the way that the hotel thought it could evade the 1964 civil rights act prohibition on discrimination in public accommodations. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Momar and I were staff members in the Peace Corps training program for teachers for West Africa at Dartmouth College during the summer of 1965. Momar was a student at Northwestern University. We enjoyed each other’s company. Late that year or early in 1966 when I was passing through Chicago we met at a dinner party held in the home of Robert (Bob) Wieczorowski, a business man that I had met in March, 1965, at the first national conference of returned Peace Corps volunteers in Washington, D.C. Momar and I became good friends with Bob Wieczorowski. During the summer of 1966 Momar and I continued working with the same Peace Corps training program for West Africa. The summer 1966 portion of the program was held at the Collège de Ste. Anne de la Pocatière in Quebec. Following these two summer Peace Corps training programs, Momar and I continued our friendship through letters, phone calls and occasional visits with each other in Senegal and in the United States. In April, 1988, I returned to Senegal for the first time to visit Momar and his family and the family in Sedhiou with whom I lived as a Peace Corps Volunteer in 1963-1964. I stayed with Momar and Marième for more than a week and got to know their children. It was a memorable visit for me. 

Momar had an uncanny ability to communicate deeply with people, even with people that one would say he hardly knew. I have often said that Momar is a person who could be placed in a group of complete strangers in a distant unknown land, and in five minutes, he would understand their mentality and what is important to say. 

Though distance separated our visits together by months and sometimes by years, we were very close in spirit. I will greatly miss my good friend, Momar Khary Diagne.

I believe this is from 1988 but not positive.

I took this photo as Momar was reminiscing with the noted journalist, cineast, Ben Diogaye Beye in January, 2015.


Momar was a practical person; he wrote, “pragmatic approaches must prevail.” His words echo my favorite professor who frequently implored the class, “you must be pragmatic.” Indeed, a little more pragmatism would surely help us all to find and stay on the right path.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Janet's 25th Crossing Cultures Senegal program in January, 2019

What a wonderful year 2019 was! Our 25th Crossing Cultures Senegal Program (Intercultural Dimensions) and our 25th Wedding Anniversary. The Crossing Cultures Senegal program was a tremendous success. Special interests of the participants we programmed included the care and raising of bees, production of honey products, special educational needs of children, the Muslim religion, hospital radiology equipment, and experimental gardens. Participants helped in the making of cakes in the solar oven and preparing rice. We enjoyed the Mandinka language lessons, meeting current Peace Corps volunteers and visiting the village where solar lanterns had been distributed by Solar Empowerment Initiative, Inc. (an NGO with which John is involved). We are planning the 26th program for January, 2021. see

Janet at the Museum of Black Civilizations in Dakar.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Few Shots From Our 24th Intercultural Dimensions Program In Senegal, January, 2017

 Néné, Khadija, Sali at Diedhioucounda

 We visited the Peace Corps office in Dakar.

 On the road to Tamba

 Adjusting his Kora

The wonderful bread of Sedhiou

Sunday, December 18, 2016

France and Holland

I forgot or was too lazy to post from our last trip to France and Holland.

Village near Bergerac

The Dordogne Countryside
(Above) View from Domme, France

 (In Background) Rocamadour, France

 The Black Virgin, Rocamadour

 (below) a castle in Dordogne

 Clouds hanging low over the Dordogne River

 Village in northern Holland

 Canals near Utrecht

At a Seaside Village in Holland

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Processing the 2016 Presidential Election

I know I want to say something about it, but right now, something calming like a remote beach... I'll post a shot of my favorite beach, the one at the end of road on Molokai. One of my favorite places.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

 Discover Senegal with the 24th Crossing Cultures Senegal Program of 
Intercultural Dimensions, January 2017

Experience the real story of Senegal.  Intercultural Dimensions, Inc. offers a unique and stimulating travel and educational program focused on the Republic of Senegal, West Africa.

Led by two former U.S. Peace Corps volunteers, this is a well-established cultural immersion opportunity.  Participants experience family life and community projects in rural areas of this diverse nation. The Crossing Cultures Senegal group (three leaders and three to five participants) is small, allowing the leaders to tailor activities to the participants'  interests in areas such as dance and music training, teaching, literature, drumming, community action, environment, medicine, government, NGOs, agriculture, small business, language, politics, medicine and health.  
The $1431 fee is at cost. The leaders receive no compensation and pay for their own airfare and program fee. Extended stays for volunteer work or field study can be facilitated. This program is an eye-opener. For some it can be a stepping stone to their future; for others it can be an enrichment of the work they are already doing. Some have said this is a life-changing experience. Start now to plan and apply early. 

Please visit ID's website for more information and to apply: or or call the leaders at 617 864 8442.
 Intercultural Dimensions, Inc. is a non profit 501 (C)(3) organization.
Janet Ghattas and John Hand

Monday, March 14, 2016

Air Raid Warden's Helmet

I remember the air raid drills during the Second World War when I was 2-4 years old. Everyone had to turn the lights out and pull down the shades. Dad was floor warden and wore a white helmet like the one pictured below, except that my father's helmet was not discolored and beat up looking.. This was in an apartment building in New York City. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Leaving the cold for the warmth...

In front of John Kerry's home on Beacon Hill, very cold

In Santa Barbara, nice and warm!

Hayy Valentine's Day, sprouts at the Saturday Marlet, Santa Barbara

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Peace Cops Senegal Memory

A Grand Grand Opening
by Chuck Gamina
 reprinted from the Baobab, June 1964

This year the city of New York has seen many Grand Openings.  The Huntington Hartford Museum of Art, the Lincoln Center for Performing Arts, and the World’s Fair are a few to mention.  There was glamour, excitement, lights and music which accompanied these events.  There were celebrities, enthusiasm and a great feeling of accomplishment.
       Now the town of Sedhiou is a small town in the Casamance and has very little resemblance to New York, and probably wouldn’t want to.  But Saturday night, June 6th, there was much excitement in this town and to the people who make Sedhiou their home, things were just as festive.  It was the opening of the Cinema Sedhiou.
        The two biggest celebrities on hand were Mike Yanasak and John Hand and deservedly so for it was theculmination of all their efforts.  Like Hartford, Bernstein and Moses of New York, this was the night to find both thegratification and pride or as is sometimes the case, some added frustratios for a job well done.  Luckily it turned out well.
      The theater itself is quite an impressive sight.  It can hold 1300 people comfortably, 1500 uncomfortably, and close to 2000 people when it is opening night and free.  It has a screen way high (I forgot to ask for dimensions), a modern projection booth and can be easily used by the Maison des Jeunes for other events.
     The celebrities who attended the opening were: Dembo Coly, the Minister of Health and Social Affairs and also theMayor of Sedhiou, who treated the American entourage to a nice dinner beforehand; Mr. Abdoulaye Biaye, the director of the Maison des Jeunes, who gave John and Mike much appreciated cooperation and the Commandant de Cercle.
       Among the other celebrities were Mr. Hoffman, Mr. & Mrs. Carter, Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Easum of the U.S. Embassy and Mr. Foon and Keba Jr., our friends from Banjul.
     There we also a number of Volunteers who were there for a number of reasons.  (Free meals, free movies, free rides to Sedhiou among their inferior reasons, moral  support a superior one.)  They were:  Dianna Paviso, Judy Leidy, Terry Allen, Daves Volk and Harnish, Ben Johnson and myself.  Impressive group, huh!  The occasion began late, in the true Sénégalese fashion and was led off by a few very complimentary speeches by the Sénégalese officials who had a few very nice things to say about the Corps de la Paix Americain.  It sounded great but we didn’t know whether to clap for ourselves or not.  The speeches were followed by the national Anthem of Sénégal, perhaps the first time ever presented accompanied by maracas.
      The film presentation, which was donated by the French Cultural Center, was, as it should have been, the highlight of the evening.  Actualities Sénégalaises, followed by a Buster Keaton real old and real funny short started the audience off.  Good ole Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly Ranier finished them off as they waited for the train that was going to Siffler Trois Fois.  (It took me about ten minutes to figure out that it was High Noon.  I swear it only siffled two fois in theAmerican version!)
      Applications are now being taken for jobs.  All PCVs interested should write directly to Cinema Sedhiou.  There are openings for ushers, ticket booth ladies, candy counter sellers etc.

Below: Mike Yanasak and me in the projection cabin and the Cinema of Sedhiou

Sunday, November 15, 2015

"Because Families Matter"... An Amazing Moment

At the ELLA B Reception, Conference, Because Families Matter: Enhancing Parental Defense in New York, Albany, New York, November 13, 2015, Janet Ghattas, myself, Angela O. Burton, Director, Quality Enhancement, Parent Representation, N.Y.S. Office of Indigent Legal Services. 

Forty-four year ago,  in 1971,  I brought an appeal in New York State's highest court because my client had been deprived of the care and custody of her three year old child due to the government's belief that she had neglected her child. She had a defense but she was unable to present it effectively. She was alone in court and unable to pay a lawyer.  The proceeding lasted about two minutes and her child was gone into the limbo of foster care.  The case was entitled, Matter of ELLA B. I was working at the Legal Aid Society of Westchester County in White Plains, New York.  The case came to my desk.  I appealed to the New York's intermediate appeals court which unanimously affirmed the Family Court's action in taking the child away from Ms. B.  The Court of Appeals in Albany granted my motion for permission to appeal, and, a few months later, ruled that indigent parents have a constitutional right to the assistance of counsel assigned by the court in child neglect proceedings, noting, "the gross inherent imbalance of experience and expertise between the parties if the parents are not represented by counsel."  Subsequently, the New State Legislature enacted a comprehensive system of court appointed attorneys for litigants in several kinds of proceedings in the State's Family Courts.

Imagine my amazement when, decades later, a couple of weeks ago, I received a call inviting me to attend and speak at a reception for the ELLA B case. It was an exciting experience to be with almost two hundred lawyers attending a conference entitled Because All Families Matter: Enhancing Parental Defense In New York. The conference was the first of its kind, organized by the New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services, which was initiated in 2010 to support "the efforts of counties and court appointed lawyers to deliver high quality, effective and cost-effective assistance of counsel to financially disadvantaged clients." The New York State Defenders Association and the Child Welfare Court Improvement Program also sponsored the conference.

Here is a link to my remarks at the Ella B Reception during the conference.'s%20Video%20Remix%201.mp4


Reflections on Because All Families Matter: Enhancing Parental Defense in New York
Angela Olivia Burton, Esq.
Director of Quality Enhancement, Parent Representation
New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services

"Unprecedented." "Tremendously useful." "So energizing!" "This has been rejuvenating; I was thinking about retiring soon, but this experience has changed all that!" "Incredibly needed - I'm looking forward to next year!"

These are comments expressed by some attendees at the first ever statewide conference and training devoted to parental defense -- Because All Families Matter: Enhancing Parental Defense in New York.  Over the course of two days, November 13 and 14, 2015, in Albany, New York, the excitement and energy were palpable as nearly 200 people came together to discuss critical issues and trends in this under-appreciated yet extremely important area of practice.    

An initiative of the NYS Office of Indigent Legal Services (ILS), with the indispensable co-sponsorship of the New York State Defenders Association (NYSDA) and the NYS Child Welfare Court Improvement Project (CIP), the conference drew participants and presenters from 32 New York counties, representing each of the state's four Judicial Departments.  As one participant noted, this was truly an unprecedented event in New York State.

The attendees were presented with an array of CLE options addressing cutting edge and provocative issues arising child protective cases.  Each session was highly interactive, with information flowing freely between and among the presenters and the audience.  In addition to opportunities for participants to network and forge new relationships, the conference yielded a wealth of practical advice, background material to enhance critical and creative thinking, and a treasure trove of written materials ready for use in everyday practice. Thanks to the expert logistical magic of NYSDA, the program, speaker's list, and conference materials are accessible here:

Several highlights deserve special note.  On Friday afternoon, the conference started with rousing motivational remarks from keynote speaker Prof. Marty Guggenheim, co-director (with Prof. Chris Gottlieb) of the Family Defense Clinic at the NYU School of Law, a founding member of the ABA’s Steering Committee for the Parental Representation Project (, and a leader in the national movement for excellent legal representation for parents. Among his many notable accomplishments, Marty argued the 1982 case of Santosky v. Kramer, in which the US Supreme Court rejected New York's "fair preponderance" standard in termination of parental rights cases, holding that due process requires at least clear and convincing evidence in those cases.  The Santosky court famously noted that parents' fundamental liberty interest in raising their children "does not evaporate simply because they have not been model parents or have lost temporary custody of their child to the State . . . parents retain a vital interest in preventing the irretrievable destruction of their family life."  Marty's chapter, "The Importance of Family Defense," from the just-released ABA publication Representing Parents in Child Welfare Cases:  Advice and Guidance for Family Defenders (co-edited with Prof. Vivek Sankaren), is posted on the conference website here: Thanks to a discount provided by the ABA and the financial support of the CIP, 100 lucky conference attendees will shortly receive a free copy of the book!  NYSDA will be in touch.  For anyone interested, here's a link to information about the book and how to order it:  According to a recent post on the ABA Parent Attorney listserve by Prof. Sankaren, all proceeds from the book will be donated to the ABA's Parent Representation Project. 

Friday evening conference attendees gathered for tasty treats, beverages and networking at the Ella B. reception, held in honor of attorney John T. Hand, who briefed and argued that groundbreaking case.  In 1972, in In re Ella B., the NY Court of Appeals, in 1972, established that parents have a constitutional right to publicly funded assigned counsel in neglect and abuse cases (which, as discussed below, led to the enactment of Family Court §262 in 1975).  At that time, John was an attorney with the Legal Aid Society of Westchester County in White Plains, where he and his colleagues brought numerous challenges against the government in cases involving such issues as housing, public benefits, and the right to counsel. John, now retired from practice in New York State, is an active member of the Massachusetts Bar, and a volunteer attorney preparing cases for victims of torture seeking political asylum.  And rumor has it that yes, John is a distant relative of the famed Learned Hand! Thanks to the steady hand of Joanne Macri, ILS Regional Initiatives Director and impromptu videographer, you can see John's remarks here:'s Video Remix 1.mp4, and his reflections about the Ella B. reception and his involvement in the case are posted on his blog, here:

Other highlights: acclaimed neuroscientist Dr. Carl Hart on how scientists have contributed to dangerous misconceptions about the nature of drug use and addiction, and how these views contribute to injustice in child protective cases, and a joint presentation by Bronx Family Court Judge Gayle Roberts and Seton Hall Law School Professor Solangel Maldonado on the research into implicit bias, its effects on judicial-decision making, and practical advice on how we can counteract its negative effects. 

In addition to the too-numerous-to-mention-here-but-incredible New York family defense practitioners who generously shared their expertise (, we were fortunate to have participation on panels by Betsy Ruslander, Director, 3rd Dep't Office of the Attorney for the Child (The Parent's Attorney and the Attorney for the Child: Defining Roles, Resolving Misunderstandings); Aimee Neri, Liaison, NYS Child Welfare Court Improvement Project and Rachel Blustain, Executive Director, Rise Magazine (Strengthening Communication with Clients in a Client-Centered Practice); and Dylan Nicole de Kervor, Attorney, Federal Coordination and Compliance Section (FCS), U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division (State Intrusion in the Family in the Age of Ferguson: Child Welfare as a Civil Rights Issue).

This extraordinary gathering marked several important historical anniversaries in the evolution of the right to assigned counsel for parents in New York.  As noted above, forty years ago, in 1975, the constitutional right to publicly-funded counsel for adults in child protective cases was codified in the Family Court Act, following on the heels of the NY Court of Appeals decision three years earlier in In re Ella B., 30 NY2d 352 (1972). Echoing Mr. John Hand's brilliant argument, the Court emphasized the fundamental, constitutionally protected liberty interest of parents in raising their children, and noted the “gross inherent imbalance of experience and expertise” between the state and unrepresented parents. The Court held that it was “fundamentally unfair, and a denial of due process of law for the state to seek removal of a child from an indigent parent without according that parent the right to the assistance of court-appointed and compensated counsel.” Thus began New York's system of assigned counsel in family court cases involving "infringements of fundamental interests and rights, including the loss of a child's society and the possibility of criminal charges." FCA §261.  Notably, as he mentioned in his speech at the reception,, Attorney Hand also successfully litigated People ex rel. Amendola v. Jackson74 Misc.2d 797 (1973), in which the constitutional right to assigned counsel for indigent parents charged with willful violation of a child support order in Family Court was announced (and codified in FCA §262 two years later along with the right to counsel in neglect and abuse proceedings). 

The conference marked another significant event: 25 years ago, in 1990, a consolidated bill package was enacted by the NYS legislature addressing several child welfare related issues ( Included in this legislation were reforms to the Family Court Act arising out of a study funded by the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, Children's Bureau, Administration for Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Dep't of Health and Human Services. The study, entitled Child Protection and the Family Court: A Study of Processes, Procedures and Outcomes under Article Ten of the New York Family Court Act, was conducted under the auspices of the NYS Senate Standing Committee on Child Care, chaired by Senator Mary Goodhue (the "Goodhue Committee"). This remarkable document (accessible here analyzes data collected from 500 court case records, across 14 counties, of child protective proceedings initiated in 1985.  Information about each case was collected before, during and after family court intervention (until the fall of 1988).  In its report, issued in 1989, the Goodhue Committee identified significant flaws in the system for parental representation.

The Committee observed that "a number of highly significant events occur prior to the initial appearance and prior to the initial appointment of representation for the respondent.  All of these events occur on an ex partebasis and many of the events are of a magnitude to shake the family structure of the respondent." Notably, the Committee found that FCA §1027 hearings, "intended to be preliminary procedures to determine whether imminent risk to a child's life or health exist so as to warrant court-ordered removal of the child from the home" were often "a vehicle to validate earlier pre-petition removals of children" without court order under FCA §1024. The Committee made other significant findings, including that: respondents were often not present at these critical hearings (akin to arraignment in criminal court); when present, respondents often were not represented by counsel; many respondents were not advised by the judge of their right to counsel or their FCA§1028 right to apply for return of the child; that the rate of filing for FCA §1028 hearings was "extremely low in the State as a whole;" and that "counsel was not appointed in more than 30 percent of the cases (even after accounting for the use of private attorneys)."  "All these matters," wrote the Committee, "raise serious due process concerns." 

Concluding that "[t]hese findings suggest that competent legal representation be available [to respondents] at the early and critical stages of these proceedings," the Goodhue Committee recommended that a notice be included in the child protective petition or notice of pre-petition emergency removal advising respondents of their right to assigned counsel, methods of gaining access to counsel, and of the FCA §1028 right to apply for return of the child. The Committee also recommended that "legislation be enacted to establish timeframes for the appointment of counsel, when requested by respondents, as soon as practicable after the filing of the petition." The notice provisions were enacted in the 1990 reform package.  However, no specific timeframes for appointment of counsel to respondents were established; the statute only required that, when the person first comes to court, the judge advise the person before proceeding of the right to assigned counsel. FCA §262(a).  Notably, as part of the 1990 reforms, specific timeframes for appointment of counsel for the child was enacted, requiring the judge to appoint counsel for the child at the earliest of: (i) the court receiving notice of the emergency removal of a child; (ii) an application for an ex parte order of removal before the filing of a petition; or (iii) the filing of a petition alleging abuse or neglect.  FCA §1016. 

Finally, 2015 marks the 15-year anniversary of the filing, in 2000 of the lawsuit challenging the inadequate assigned counsel rates, New York County Lawyers' Association v. The State of New York and the City of New York The complaint alleged that the then existing assigned counsel rates ($40.00 per hour for in-court and $25.00 per hour for out of court work) resulted in an unconstitutional denial of meaningful and effective legal representation for children and indigent adults in criminal and family court cases as required by the constitutions of New York State and the United States. In 2003 Supreme Court Judge Lucindo Suarez agreed, finding that "[t]he State of New York continues to ignore its constitutional obligation to the poor by failing to increase the assigned counsel rates, resulting, "in many cases, in denial of counsel, delay in the appointment of counsel, and less than meaningful and effective legal representation." ( Judge Suarez noted the "severe and irreparable harm" caused by delays in appointment of counsel in Family Court cases, including: no representation during critical periods where due process rights to liberty and care for children were at stake; children being removed from parents’ custody at ex parte hearings where they were unrepresented; and parents not receiving timely FCA §1028 hearings. Observing the family court judge's role of insuring "that the state agency is not over-reaching," the court found that parents were losing custody of their children for long periods of time "with inadequate judicial assessment of whether the removal is warranted. . . As a result, parents are “deprived of an opportunity to have a relationship with their child, and the child is deprived of an ability to have a relationship with their parent.”

Because All Families Matter: Enhancing Parental Defense in New York is another historical marker in the evolution of the parental right to counsel in New York, and has set the stage for a new direction in family defense in New York State. Timely access by parents to well-resourced, high quality legal representation is crucial to achieving procedural and social justice for families. We at ILS look forward to continued collaboration with partners such as NYSDA, CIP, the community of New York family defenders, and others seeking to improve the quality of legal representation for all families involved with the child welfare system in New York.

Happy holidays, and take good care,
Angela Olivia Burton, Esq.
Director of Quality Enhancement, Parent Representation
New York State Office of Indigent Legal Services


30 N.Y.2d 352 (1972)

In the Matter of Ella B., a Child Alleged to be Neglected. Louis P. Kurtis, as Commissioner of Social Services of Westchester County, Respondent; Jeri B., Appellant.

Court of Appeals of the State of New York.

Argued May 5, 1972.
Decided June 8, 1972.

John T. Hand for appellant.

John J. S. Mead, County Attorney (Justin F. Collins of counsel), for respondent.

Louis J. Lefkowitz, Attorney-General (Maria L. Marcus and Samuel A. Hirshowitz of counsel), in his statutory capacity under section 71 of the Executive Law.


Chief Judge FULD

Whether the Family Court is required to advise an indigent parent, charged with child neglect, that he is entitled to be represented by assigned counsel is the question presented by this appeal.1
In June of 1969, the Westchester County Commissioner of Social Services, the petitioner-respondent herein, filed a charge of child neglect against the respondent-appellant. The petitioner asserts that the appellant left her three-year-old daughter home alone between one and four o'clock in the morning of June 21 and that, during her absence, the little girl was allegedly kidnapped and raped by a friend of the appellant. The child was represented by a law guardian. When the matter came before the Family Court, the judge presiding, after reading the petition to the appellant, spoke to her as follows:
"You may be represented by an attorney in this proceeding, in which case you must obtain one yourself, and pay for him out of your own funds, or you may waive an attorney and either admit or deny the facts in the petition if you want. Do you want an attorney?
"MRS. B.: No.
"THE COURT: Do you admit the facts in the petition?
"MRS. B.: Yes, I do."

Thereupon, without further ado, the judge stated that he was "going to find that [the appellant's daughter] is a neglected child and will continue the child in custody of the Child Protective
Services". An order was entered adjudicating her a neglected child and directing that she be placed in the petitioner's custody.2

Very shortly after the adjudication of neglect, which was made in July, 1969, the appellant obtained the assistance of the Legal Aid Society. A notice of appeal was filed and, in September, a Legal Aid attorney instituted a proceeding to terminate the child's placement with the petitioner. In February, 1970, while the proceeding was pending, the youngster was informally returned to her mother's home. At the termination hearing some months later — in the fall of 1970 — the appellant's attorney, after some preliminary cross-examination of the one witness called, declined to continue the defense because of a "misapprehension" of the nature of the proceeding and moved to strike "all" proceedings previously held and to have a hearing de novo. The judge denied the motion, adhered to his original determination and continued the child in the petitioner's custody, noting that she could be taken from the mother's physical custody upon the petitioner's application.

The Appellate Division unanimously affirmed the original order of July, 1969, and the appeal is before us as of right on constitutional grounds (CPLR 5601, subd. [b], par. 1).
The determination must be reversed. In our view, an indigent parent, faced with the loss of a child's society, as well as the possibility of criminal charges (Family Ct. Act, §§ 1014, 1052, 1055; Penal Law, § 260.10), is entitled to the assistance of counsel. A parent's concern for the liberty of the child, as well as for his care and control, involves too fundamental an interest and right (see, e.g., Stanley v. State of Illinois, 405 U.S. 645; Matter of Spence-Chapin Adoption Serv. v. Polk, 29 N.Y.2d 196, 203), to be relinquished to the State without the opportunity for a hearing, with assigned counsel if the parent lacks the means to retain a lawyer.3 To deny legal assistance under such circumstances would — as the courts of other jurisdictions have already held (see, e.g., Cleaver v. Wilcox, 40 U. S. Law Week 2658, decided March 22, 1972; State of Jamison, 251 Or. 114, 118; see, also, Boddie v. Connecticut, 401 U.S. 371; Note, Child Neglect: Due Process for the Parent, 70 Col. L. Rev. 465; but cf. In re Robinson, 8 Cal.App.3d 783, cert. den. sub nom.Kaufman v. Carter, 402 U.S. 954, 964) — constitute a violation of his due process rights and, in light of the express statutory provision for legal representation for those who can afford it, a denial of equal protection of the laws as well. As the Federal District Court wrote in the very similar Cleaver case (40 U. S. Law Week, at p. 2659), "whether the proceeding be labelled `civil' or `criminal,' it is fundamentally unfair, and a denial of due process of law for the state to seek removal of the child from an indigent parent without according that parent the right to the assistance of court-appointed and compensated counsel. * * * Since the state is the adversary * * * there is a gross inherent imbalance of experience and expertise between the parties if the parents are not represented by counsel. The parent's interest in the liberty of the child, in his care and in his control, has long been recognized as a fundamental interest. * * * Such an interest may not be curtailed by the state without a meaningful opportunity to be heard, which in these circumstances includes the assistance of counsel."

Once the conclusion is reached that one has a right to be represented by assigned counsel — and, as noted, the petitioner does not dispute that the appellant did have such a right — it follows that one is entitled to be so advised. If the rule were otherwise, if the party before the court was not apprised of hisright to assigned counsel, there could be no assurance either that he knew he had such a right or that he had waived it. Certainly, the appellant in the present case could not have realized that she would have been provided with a lawyer if she could not afford to retain one. In point of fact, the judge actually told her that, if she desired an attorney, "you must obtain one yourself, and pay for him out of your own funds". This statement completely excluded the availability of assigned counsel or other free legal assistance. Consequently, the appellant's negative answer to the question, "[d]o you want an attorney?" could not possibly be deemed an intelligent or understanding waiver of her right to counsel. (See, e.g., Matter of Lawrence S., 29 N.Y.2d 206; People v. Witenski, 15 N.Y.2d 392.)

It is true that the appellant was represented by an attorney in the later proceeding to terminate the child's placement. As noted above, the trial judge there denied the motion of her counsel for a de novo hearing, refused to terminate the child's custody and continued placement "with the Commissioner of Social Services." Because of the paucity of evidence at such hearing, however, it is manifest that the trial judge's decision was influenced more by his earlier determination of neglect — based, as indicated, solely on the appellant's uncounselled plea "admit[ting] the facts in the petition" — than by the child's apparent need for continued supervision. However, we do not believe it necessary or desirable to reverse or vacate the initial order (of July, 1969). We meet the exigencies of the case if, without impairing the effectiveness of that order, we remit the proceeding to the Family Court for a rehearing, both adjudicatory and dispositional (Family Ct. Act, §§ 742, 743), at which the appellant will, of course, be represented by counsel.
The order appealed from should, therefore, be modified, without costs, and the matter remitted for further proceedings in accordance with this opinion and, as so modified, affirmed.
Order modified, without costs, and matter remitted to Family Court, Westchester County, for further proceedings in accordance with the opinion herein and, as so modified, affirmed.

1. The Family Court Act (§ 1043, subd. [a]; prior to May 1, 1970, § 343, subd. [a]) makes provision for legal representation but is silent with respect to the right of indigent parents to assigned counsel:
"The court shall advise the parent or other person legally responsible for the child's care of a right to be represented by counsel of his own choosing and to have an adjournment to send for counsel and consult with him."

2. Not a word had been said to the appellant that she might lose the custody of the child. Indeed, as the colloquy between the judge and her made clear, she believed that she would be permitted to take the child home and, after the judge indicated that the child was to be taken from her, she made a feeble, and unsuccessful, attempt to set forth circumstances which might have provided a basis for a meritorious defense in the hands of an attorney.

3. The petitioner acknowledges that an indigent parent is entitled to be represented by assigned counsel in a child neglect proceeding and that, had the appellant stated that she could not afford an attorney, the court would have been "under a duty to advise her of the availability of counsel." But he urges that, since the proceeding is "civil" in nature, the court was not required, on its own initiative, to inform the appellant of her right to have counsel assigned to her.