Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sobo Badé-L'Engouement: An Active But Contemplative Place To Relax

Have you experienced a far away place to which you return over many years but which stays fresh and fascinating and wonderful every time you go there. That is how I feel about Senegal. Here are several photos from one of my many favorite places in Senegal, Sobo Badé and l'Engouement. It is a fabulous place to relax, do artistic work, write, meditate, walk on the beach, dance, drum, contemplate, enjoy some fine cooking.

Guest Quarters at Sobo Badé, drawing by Michael Pease of Eugene, Oregon

Gérard Chenet, owner and builder of Sobo Badé and l'Engouement

This sculpture and all others shown here are by Gérard Chenet. 

 part of the sculpture garden at Sobo Badé

 the beach at Sobo Badé
 The stage at l'Engouement 
A Batik made and displayed at Sobo Badé


Katherine Edison said...

Beautiful! I would love to go there some day. The Field Museum had an exhibit many years ago of a market in Senegal. Ever since I saw that I've wanted to visit.

John said...

Thanks, i think I will post a set of market shots soon. Please consider joining us.